Users Online: 389 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. How do I join or use's services?
  2. I can't log into my Why?
  3. I can't remember my username and password. How do I get hold of it again?
  4. I cannot retrieve my login details via your password retrieval system
  5. I cannot seem to receive my login details in my email account. Is there a problem?
  6. How can I change my MemberID?
  7. How can I change my Password?

1. How do I join or use's services?

To make use of's services, you might have to join as a Member. Joining is easy. All you have to do is surf over to and sign up. All personal details will be held private and confidential. Please read our Privacy Policy to rest assure we will not misuse the information provided to us. All Terms and Conditions apply to our members.

2. I can't log into my Why?

As soon as you join with a valid email address, you will receive an automated reply from us providing you with your username and an auto-generated password. You can log into your account at anywhere around which has a login box, or you might want to surf over to to log into your account. Please ensure that you have the correct username and password or you will be denied access to your account.

3. I can't remember my username and password. How do I get hold of it again?

If you have forgotten your username and password or you feel that it is incorrect, surf over to and enter either your registered MemberID (if you can remember) or registered E-mail Address into the field and click Submit. An email will then be sent to your email account detailing your login particulars immediately after that.

4. I cannot retrieve my login details via your password retrieval system

If you cannot retrieve your login details via our password retrieval system at then that could mean that either you have keyed in your registered MemberID or Email address wrongly during the Registration or the Password Retrieval phase. Another reason why our system could say that no particulars are found under your MemberID and Email is when your Profile has been deleted by our Administration Team. To correct this problem, simply just Register Again with the correct particulars and everything should be ok.

5. I cannot seem to receive my login details in my email account. Is there a problem?

When you don't receive any replies from us via email after registration or after a request for your password has been submitted, then a couple of things could be happening. They are as follows:

  • Your Email Address that you have specified is Invalid. This is most likely due to typo errors on your part. Please let us know your MemberID and we will try to rectify it on our end.
  • Your Email Account is too full and over quota. When this happens, you will not be able to receive any additional mails to your account. To rectify this problem, please log onto your email account and delete any unneeded mails to free up some space. After doing that, you should be able to receive our future mails. Request for another password when this happens.
  • Your Email Account is treating mail from us as spam. You will need to log into your account after doing a request for your password to ensure that all mail from us are not treated as spam and that our email address is on your email account's safe list of recipients.
  • Mail Server Congestion. Sometimes it takes a bit of time for mails to be sent and received, especially when the Internet is congested or certain servers are down. When this happens you are advised to try check your mail after waiting for a while (which might take up to a couple of hours in some cases). If you still do not receive your emails then either you have registered an invalid email address with us or email account is having problems. Please Contact Us detailing your problem providing us with your MemberID and any other details which you feel is of assistance to us for troubleshooting if possible.

6. How can I change my MemberID?

Our members are NOT ALLOWED to simply change their MemberIDs as and when they choose. MemberIDs cannot be changed by members themselves. This security reason is in placed because we do not want our members to keep on changing their IDs as and when they like.

Should you really wish to terminate your particular MemberID (Account), then please send a formal request to from your registered email account and state your registered MemberID and also the reason for wanting to terminate your account or change your MemberID. We will only act upon requests which have been correctly sent from your respective registered email addresses. This so that we can authenticate your request. If we find that your ID does not have any outstanding items on hand (e.g. Auction Bids & etc), then we will delete your ID accordingly and notify you of the status. You will then be free to register for another MemberID.

7. How can I change my Password?

To change your password, you have to log into your account at or After logging in, make sure you are at your MyWebportal Console. If you are not, you can click it from the top right hand corner of most webpages on the site. From your MyWebportal Console you will be able to see an option (Change Password) on the right hand side of the page that will enable you to change your password.

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